
Being Evangelized By The Poor

The phrase “the poor evangelize us” is an experience common to all who have encountered the poor.

Exploring Laudato Si and Racism

Concern for the environment thus needs to be joined to a sincere love for our fellow human beings and an unwavering commitment to resolving the problems of society.

Encyclical ‘Fratelli Tutti’: Summary and Commentary (Part 1)

Bro. René Stockman offers here a short summary of chapter 1 of the Encyclical Letter “Fratelli Tutti,” followed by a more personal reflection.

Seeing Our Own Poverty, Clothing Ourselves in the Spirit of Jesus Christ

Let us commit to clothing ourselves in an attitude that will help us to “turn the medal over”.

#IamVincent: I am Elizabeth

#IamVincent: I am Elizabeth

A gift that finds expression in people like Elizabeth Ann Seton, Vincent de Paul, Louse de Marillac, Frederic Ozanam and countless others is the charism — the gift of the Holy Spirit — we all share. When I write #IamVincent, I could easily write #IamElizabeth....

COVIVO: #IamVincent

COVIVO: #IamVincent

COVIVO community member Erin Kennedy offers a reflection called "Offering Bread" I think I can safely say that my year as a Colorado Vincentian Volunteer ( COVIVO ) has shaped almost every facet of my life. Even still, 3 ½ years after my volunteer year ended, I find...

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