
Advent Letter 2020 by Fr. Tomaž Mavrič, CM

In the Advent letter of this year, “marked with so much suffering, anxiety, and fear,”  Fr. Tomaž Mavrič, CM, the 24th successor of St. Vincent, invites us to fix our eyes on “Somebody who lives in us, whose Spirit fills every corner of our being.”

From “Thanks” to “Giving” – An Ancient Tradition

The tradition of “thanksgiving” is not new. It has deep roots in the Old Testament and especially the New Testament. The Last Supper was a celebration of thanks but it was also a call to giving.

A Canadian View: A Ray of Hope for All 

November 15th is the World Day of the Poor. Let us all reflect on how we use this day as a new beginning, with the ray of hope we have been waiting for and forget our differences and come together as one family.

Which Costs More – Housing or Health Care?

After one year, BJC Healthcare estimated the cost of care for the enrolled homeless clients was reduced to $230,000, representing an estimated annual savings of nearly $400,000 or 71%. No doubt the financial people were quite pleased.

How can I make a difference?

How can I make a difference?

To be a difference maker don’t let your environment get you down. J. Patrick Murphy writes in one of his mini-reflections on the life of  Mr. Vincent, "France was at war through all of Vincent's life except for the last few months. Beheading for religious dissidents...

A Vincentian View: If today you hear his voice…

The Journey

“The Journey” On this past Sunday, April 3, eighteen of our St. John’s University students completed the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) program.  I confess to be touched and honored to have been there for this last step.  I had been there for the...

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