
Contribution of Bishop John Timon, C.M. to Early U.S. Church and Society

April 16 is the anniversary of the death of Bishop John Timon, C.M., the first provincial superior of the American province of the Congregation of the Mission and one of the giants of the early U.S. Catholic Church. He  established and/or encouraged many charitable...

What Can We Learn From Anniversaries?

Whatever the anniversary, it gives us a chance to look back over the years since the event we’re marking, and reflect on how it has shaped us.

What is Systemic Change?

We are called to help our neighbours to change the circumstances of their lives by helping them remove the barriers which keep which keep them in poverty.

Women Religious Once Again Stepping Up

As evictions increase women religious are once again stepping up.

The Things They Carry

The Things They Carry

At some point in your life, you have probably been asked the question, "If you were stranded on a desert island, what three things would you bring with you?" Now, imagine it is not a desert island and it is only one thing. And that one thing is what helps carry you...