
“Saint Vincent de Paul: a mystic of charity” … reflection by Fr. Hugh O’Donnell

The meeting of the leaders of the Vincentian Family will take place (in a virtual manner) on September 16 and 17. For this occasion, we have prepared a video on "Saint Vincent as a mystic of charity" ... a reflection offered by Fr. Hugh O'Donnell, CM. This video is...

Rumors, No; Intimate Knowledge, Yes

Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah, the Anointed.  To know and confess him so is to go beyond rumors; it is to live and die like him. There are rumors that Jesus is John the Baptist who is back to life.  Or is Elijah who is expected to come before the Day of the Lord...

Vincentian Prayer Images: What Moved Saint Vincent? X

What is a disciple of Vincent called to be?

We Are One 

Participation of the missionaries in the condition of the poor, so that we not only attend their evangelization, but that we ourselves are evangelized by them.

When St. Vincent spoke the truth to power…

When St. Vincent spoke the truth to power…

When St. Vincent spoke the truth to power… and what we can do today! Vincent’s courage in speaking the truth to power While Vincent is best known for his practical works of charity, he also served as an advocate for the poor before the highest authorities, at times at...

Meeting Christ in Prison #IamVincent

Meeting Christ in Prison #IamVincent

Father McGeough agreed, saying that, “I’ve been a priest for 40 years, and I’ve never been thanked so much for just showing up. You will get a lot of gratitude in this ministry.” AT an informational meeting in the Diocese of Trenton (New Jersey, USA) pastoral center,...

On Not Shutting Down

On Not Shutting Down

I know two young men who were given a set of CD’s of the greats in classical music. Neither of them ever listened to nor had any appreciation for this kind of track. The one said, “This stuff is boring and even hard on my ears. I’ll humor my uncle who gave them to me,...