
“The Sacred Humanity of the Word” … reflection by Fr. Hugh O’Donnell

A reflection offered by Fr. Hugh O’Donnell, CM, on the Incarnate Word.

Sustainable Development Goal 17:  Partnerships for the Goals

Learning about the SDGs and understanding their significance is an important first step as together, creatively, we search for the most effective ways to advocate for these aspects of social justice.

The Word (Deut 4: 1-8; Jas 1:17-27)

I remember a heated conversation between a man who was promising something  to a woman, and the woman to whom the promise was being made. It ended with her exasperated response, “Those are just words.”

Me-ism In Our World … and Church

Me-ism! A lens to understand our world, church… and the three year “synodal process” beginning October 2021.

Laborers of the Lord of the Harvest

Wisdom that Is Hard to Resist and Believe

Jesus has the wisdom in speaking that his adversaries will be powerless to resist or refuse. The Pharisees love it when people recognize their wisdom and call them teachers.  And they are wise, undoubtedly, as the tricky question they address to Jesus through theirs...

Generation “Z”

Generation “Z”

"Generation what?" say the entrepreneurs at mobileserve. It’s true – there’s a new generation coming of age. Just as you got your Family branch up to speed to cater to everything Millennial, the first Generation Z-ers are about to graduate from college and bring with...

A Vincentian View: A Message for Us

A Vincentian View: A Message for Us

A Vincentian View: A Message for Us I have been to more than one Vincent event in the past two weeks which contained an opening prayer which included some passage from Pope Francis’ message to the Vincentian Family on September 27th. Different people, different...