Javier F. Chento


Javier es laico vicenciano, afiliado a la Congregación de la Misión y miembro de la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl en España.
WYD: a Welcome Ceremony with a Vincentian taste!

WYD: a Welcome Ceremony with a Vincentian taste!

Yesterday, hundreds of thousands of young people warmly received Pope Francis to the World Youth Day, in a ceremony that took place in Błonia, a huge park located in the city center of Krakow; Pope Francis put aside the "popemobile" and preferred to take the public...

The Apostolate of the Ear

The Apostolate of the Ear

Pope Francis will meet, from today on, with hundreds of thousands of young people, coming from all over the world to celebrate their faith in community. He's going to offer a word of encouragement and support, also the closeness of the entire Church in these complex...

Putting the Economy at the Service of the People and the Poor

A Mischievous Pope

Last Wednesday, July 13, Pope Francis did one of those amazing acts that we are getting used to. The media said that, after attending a routine visit to the dentist, he asked the driver of his Ford Focus, instead of returning directly to his offices, to deviate a...