Vincentian Family Homeless Alliance

Tackling slum dwelling in Malawi, one house at a time!

Annie’s story is one of many in Malawi, an African country where 65% of the population live in slums, according to data from UN-Habitat.

A home in Namibia, beds in the Netherlands

As part of the jubilee, the Brothers of Our Lady Mother of Mercy (CMM) started the ‘Sheltering the Homeless’ project inspired by the 13 Houses Campaign of the Famvin Homeless Alliance.

Homes First: Strategies to Promote Youth Empowerment Post Covid-19

Vincentians keep bringing the voices of homeless people to the United Nations despite the pandemic.

Building Houses for Needy Families in Malawi

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SSVP), within the framework of “13 Houses Campaign” Famvin initiative, promotes the construction of 15 homes.