Society of St. Vincent de Paul

St. Vincent de Paul Volunteer Helps Inmates Transition After Incarceration

Volunteers help prepare inmates to successfully and seamlessly reintegrate back into society upon release.

Create a New Logo for the SSVP International!

Submit ideas to a contest for a new international SSVP logo!

Vincentians Gather in the Nation’s Capital to Celebrate Founder

A mosaic of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul’s founder, Blessed Frederic Ozanam, was dedicated during a special Mass at the Basilica.

Australian Bushfire. The Dreadful Face of the Climate Change.

The unique Australian environment and biodiversity, and the industries it fosters (including food and wine production and tourism), have been hit hard by the bushfires – and it is only one month into summer.

Examination of Conscience for Vincentians

Examination of Conscience for Vincentians

The following SlideShare presentation was adapted from a Prayerbook of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Council of Scotland. As we approach the end of the calendar year let us reflect on how we are doing as Vincentians. The reflection was intended for the SSVP but...