
He Leads People to the Poor: Bill Sweeney #IamVincent

Bill Sweeney could easily say, "I am Vincent." He's got Vincent's heart and Vincent's style: he leads people to the poor. https://youtu.be/9QhUwo7UPbY Parishioners at St. Francis de Sales Church, Belle Harbor, NY (USA) gather for a Lenten dinner. Young and old, Bill...

God is Good #IamVincent

"There was one week in December when I felt like everything went wrong." Vincent would have known what you're talking about! He said, "Your soul will be blessed, Sister, if you bear patiently the troubles of mind and body His Providence sends you, or which come to you...

Going To Where The Need Is @SJUMission #IamVincent

As a freshman, Andrea Lozano ’20CPS is still new to college life. But she is already rethinking the future, thanks to a five-day service trip she took during spring break through St. John’s University. “It was very inspiring,” said Andrea, a criminal justice major at...

Treating Those Who Do Good With Justice #IamVincent

Are you part of an agency or program that does good? Is it related or unrelated to the Vincentian Family? There's a justice issue that has implications for our our future. We want to do good. We want to do what we do well and we want to do it justly. Jeremy Kohomban...
Serving the Inmates, #IamVincent

Serving the Inmates, #IamVincent

In July, a group of 12 young people participated in the yearly labor camp organized by the Prison Ministry Chaplaincy in Martutene Prison (San Sebastian, Spain), in collaboration with Spanish Penitentiary Institution. The young people reflected on the experience:...

Missionaries @NiagaraUniv are Home!

Missionaries @NiagaraUniv are Home!

The other day we told you about some missionaries from Niagara University who went to Haiti. They're home, and there's more news to tell! WIVB Buffalo tells the good news: Niagara University seniors Morgan Dahlberg and Amber Mis are used to being students, but for the...

Vincentian Self-worth

Vincentian Self-worth

Self-worth is not a phrase that would have been much discussed in the 17th century. You're not going to find it in the lexicon of St. Vincent. But the concept was not foreign to him. He knew that of human worth (and because of that, self-worth) was founded on what God...

Niagarans Work Hand in Hand @NiagaraUniv

Niagarans Work Hand in Hand @NiagaraUniv

Sometimes two goals can work hand in hand. Mixing educational experience with concrete and valuable service is a hallmark of the Niagara University experience. Niagara University and Hand in Hand for Haiti signed a formal agreement in September 2014 in which NU...