
Virtual Service Immersion Reflection #IamVincent

This December, I had the pleasure of going on the first round of virtual service immersions. For four days I zoomed into St. Louis, Missouri to learn about anti-racism through the Vincentian charism.

Stories of Growth in Vincentian Spirituality #IamVincent

Sacred Heart College wanted to share some of the reflections of their alumni because they contain stories of growth in Vincentian Spirituality.

Happy Women’s Day: Check out “Herstory” on .famvin

Click to read all articles tagged "herstory"here on .famvin!   Herstory[1.Jane Mills, "Womanwords: a dictionary of words about women", 1992, ISBN 0-02-921495-5, p. 118] : history (knowledge obtained by inquiry) written from a feminist perspective, emphasizing the...

Daughter of Charity Calls Attention To Situation of Immigrants in PBS Documentary

Sister Denise LaRock, D.C. and her San Antonio-based Interfaith Welcome Coalition are featured in the PBS documentary series “Women War & Peace II”. See the video.

What Can I Give?

What Can I Give?

https://youtu.be/kjRXIiZ8bs0 This is to give the greatest gift: to go out from ones self and to enter the world of the “other,” is to understand the meaning of Christmas. For this journey, there are five virtues, seen by Vincent as those characteristic of Jesus,...

Vincentians (Humans) of Colorado

Vincentians (Humans) of Colorado

Did you ever think about how we know about St. Nicholas -- or any other saint for that matter? Someone told and re-told the story. Ok, Butler's "Lives of the Saints" isn't "Humans of New York," but the idea is similar. In every story we tell is the shaping of our...

Do Something You Love

Do Something You Love

Earlier this month one of the Colorado Vincentian Volunteers mentioned that she likes to read the blog at Humans of New York. I do, too. Its founder, Brandon Stanton, was at St. John's University the other day and his presentation was highlighted on the St. John's web...