
What Did St. Vincent Do For Refugees and Street Homeless?

Continuing the presentation of Fr. Robert Maloney’s research into the amazing facts of St. Vincent’s many initiatives with regard to the homeless of his day.

The FamVin Coming Together for Beirut!

The Vincentian Family in Lebanon represented by all its organizations was on the ground since day one to assist families.

What did St. Vincent do for the Homeless?

The homeless ranked high on Vincent’s agenda. A careful analysis of his life, writings, and conferences produces a very concrete picture of his works on their behalf.

FHA Commission member appointed to the UK House of Lords

FHA Commission Member Dame Louise Casey has been appointed for a life peerage in the House of Lords, the upper chamber of the UK Parliament.

How does a homeless man spend $100

How does a homeless man spend $100

How does a homeless man spend $100? What would you do with $100? What the poor can teach us...   Are you one of the more 21 million people who have watched this video on YouTube? It starts out the way many would expect but turns out dramatically different than...