
Vincentians & Laudato Si’ – The Famvin Homeless Alliance and Laudato Si’ (II)

The following is Part 2 of a reflection on our Pope’s words and a consideration of how Laudato Si’ both informs and affirms the work of the Famvin Homeless Alliance.

Novel But Realistic Approach To Homelessness

Imagine that! Asking people who had personal experience of what the problem was and what might be the solution.

The context to Laudato Si’ – The Famvin Homeless Alliance and Laudato Si’ (I)

The following is a reflection on our Pope’s words and a consideration of how Laudato Si’ both informs and affirms the work of the Famvin Homeless Alliance. Part 1

Giving Grants To Homeless People?

Is giving money to homeless people a way help them? It might be squandered, or spent on harmful habits. FACTS do not support such thinking.

Asking for spare change

Asking for spare change

How should I handle being asked for spare change? The homeless Hub asks “What is the best and most respectful way to handle someone who is asking for spare change? I am often approached by someone asking for spare change while I sit at a red light and I find it...

City in Canada eliminates homelessness

City in Canada eliminates homelessness

William Graham of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Peel North Particular Council, Canada shares this story and wonders what Vincentians think of this idea. After all, who would not want to save $80,000 per homeless person per year while ending homelessnes in the...