
Living in a Tent as a Retirement Plan

Can you imagine being in the situation of an elderly homeless man living in a tent as a Retirement Plan?

Who’s the Boss

A number of years ago, my sister, a critical care nurse, wrote a piece for a local newspaper about care for homebound patients called “Who’s the Boss”

Slum Dwelling: Annual Theme 2020

Over the past two years, the Vincentian Family’s annual theme has focused on forced displacement and street homelessness. For 2020, we are focusing on slum dwellers.

The Legal Issues of Sleeping in a Car

Aside from the cramped space and lack of proper facilities, those who live in their vehicles also have to worry about the legality of their lifestyle – something that is frequently in flux as laws change.

City in Canada eliminates homelessness

City in Canada eliminates homelessness

William Graham of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Peel North Particular Council, Canada shares this story and wonders what Vincentians think of this idea. After all, who would not want to save $80,000 per homeless person per year while ending homelessnes in the...

Jesus and the Homeless

Jesus and the Homeless

Gerald O’Collins SJ asks us to think about the way in which Jesus identified himself with the homeless, and took every opportunity to speak about and help them. When we consider that Jesus himself was homeless for much of his life, how does this challenge us to see the face of Jesus in all of those in need?