
First Aid or Long-term Solutions?

Magdalena puts a face on the problem. But where is that place and is it possible to follow the guidelines we have been hearing.  The story of one woman who is affected.

Tackling slum dwelling in Malawi, one house at a time!

Annie’s story is one of many in Malawi, an African country where 65% of the population live in slums, according to data from UN-Habitat.

How Did St. Vincent Help the Homeless of His Day

You may not believe that one man could do all that Vincent did!

A home in Namibia, beds in the Netherlands

As part of the jubilee, the Brothers of Our Lady Mother of Mercy (CMM) started the ‘Sheltering the Homeless’ project inspired by the 13 Houses Campaign of the Famvin Homeless Alliance.

Watch the New 13 Houses Video!

Watch the New 13 Houses Video!

The “13 Houses” Campaign is changing the lives of homeless people all around the world thanks to the collaboration between Vincentian branches.