
Young Adult Vincentians’ Lenten Reflection (video)

Virtual programs offered by the St. Vincent de Paul Young Adult Center in Philadelphia have enabled them to continue their mission during the pandemic.

The Importance of Spiritual Advisors in Times of Pandemic

Keeping the flame of the Vincentian charism burning has been a challenge during the pandemic.

A Compass for the “New Normal”

More than a year after the beginning of painful experience of the Covid-19 Pandemic and with the certainty of being at the beginning of the end and with vaccination underway, the world begins to draw conclusions and imagine what the future might be like.

The Contagion of Christianity

Do others experience God’s love for them mirrored by our lives? Is it any wonder that Jesus speaks of the final judgement in terms of what we do for the unrecognized, bruised and broken Christ in our midst?