Vincentian Family

Apostolic Journey of the Holy Father to Mozambique, Madagascar and Mauritius (4 -10 September 2019)

Pope Francis is now just over a month away from starting his trip to Mozambique, Madagascar and Mauritius, in Africa. This trip is also significant for the Vincentian Family, as the Holy Father will visit, on September 8, the Vincentian work "the city of Good Friends"...

Culture of Vocations Task Force Meeting

The Vincentian Family Culture of Vocations Task Force met in Philadelphia, USA, from July 3-6, 2019.

Second Vincentian Song Festival: “Followers of Jesus Christ, Servants of the Poor,” Now in English!

After the great success of the Vincentian Song Festival in Spanish, we now initiate the second phase: The same festival, but this time with songs in English.

Can You Look People In the Eye?

Pope Francis often uses the word, “encounter,” 32 times in “The Joy of the Gospel” and as an antidote to our “throwaway culture,” in which people who are seen as useless are cast aside.