Vincentian Family

Conclusion of the Consecrated Life Continental Seminar to Stop Trafficking in Persons

From August 17-20, I had the opportunity to participate, together with 17 Daughters of Charity (DCs) from all provinces of the Americas, in the seminar to stop human trafficking in Bogota, Colombia. Those gathered at the seminar included women, men, consecrated, and...

Sustainable Development Goal #1: End Poverty

END POVERTY IN ALL ITS FORMS EVERYWHERE End extreme poverty in all forms by 2030. Yes, it’s an ambitious goal— but we believe it can be done. In 2000, the world committed to cutting the number of people living in extreme poverty by half in 15 years and we met this...

Invisible Women of Our Society

Who are the invisible women in our society? It is said that these women are “absent from statistics, unnoticed by researchers, neglected by national and local authorities and mostly overlooked by civil society organizations.” This is the situation of widows in our...

eBook: Louise de Marillac, a Spiritual Woman

VinFormation, the site dedicated to VIncentian charism formation resources, offers a new eBook – Louise de Marillac, A Spiritual Woman

Vincentian Collaboration – Final Day

Vincentian Collaboration – Final Day

Vincentian Collaboration Final Day - The final day of VFCAP was a morning of future planning and an afternoon in Clichy.  Marty Martin prepared participants for the creation of their MAP (My Action Plan). Time was spent on creating SMART goals (specific, measurable,...

Sisters of Charity Federation Meeting Saturday, June 7

Charity Federation meets

Charity Federation Meets – Thursday June 6 The day began with prayer led by Marge Kloos, SC-C. After prayer, Julie Cutter, DC-St. Louise, Executive Director of the SC Federation gave a brief overview of the agenda for the days ahead. Debbie Weber, SC-C Associate, gave...