Vincentian Family

Forgotten Truths about Confirmation and St. Vincent

Have you forgotten the names of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit… and some truths about how St. Vincent lived then in mission? Let’s look at the prayer “Come Holy Spirit in that light.”

Plastic – A Day of Trying to Break Dependence

I’m a prisoner to plastic. It’s hard to admit. My brain is plastered with multiple social media images of “plastic soup.” It lingers there like Muzak—constantly in the background but without my paying it much attention.  But recently, the time came to examine my own...

A Source of Vincentian Reflection on Pentecost

As I was thinking Pentecost thoughts I focused on the passage in Acts. 'It will come to pass in the last days,' God says, 'that I will pour out a portion of my spirit upon all flesh. Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions, your...

Called to Love: Policy and Advocacy

Charity is not charity unless accompanied by justice. --St. Vincent de Paul Seeking lasting justice and peace in our world are goals of the United Nations and the Church.  The good that can result from their shared efforts is evident in this month of Mary, Queen...