
Direct Aid from the International Society of Saint Vincent de Paul in the face of the War in Ukraine

The Commission for International Aid and Development (CIAD) has provided emergency donations to assist refugees and establish contact with Vincentians in the border areas with Ukraine in order to strengthen emergency aid. Since the outset of the war in Ukraine, Europe...

A drop of help in the sea of needs of the refugees from Ukraine

As Daughters of Charity, from the first day of the outbreak of the war, we “run to those in need as if to a fire.”

Images of Hope: Boldly Telling the Truth

Standing up for the truth can cost a lot, even one’s life. We Christians have countless examples of this, not only from the time of the early Christians, but today as well.

The Daughters of Charity Facing the War in Ukraine

Source: Projets Rosalie, Emergency in Ukraine The war in Ukraine began in earnest in 2014 with a fratricidal struggle for the Donbass region. The situation in the country has been very difficult in recent years - war, industrial decline and the economic situation have...