
A Homeless Veteran and Cancer Survivor

Lucrecia is a cancer survivor and was in the army for four years. She lives homeless in a tent in Los Angeles’s Koreatown.

Lessons Learned During the Pandemic, 20: Love Triumphs and Transforms People

We have awakened and reinforced feelings of unity, prudence, commitment and love for others. We have also had feelings of sadness caused by the reports of so many infections and deaths.

A Vincentian View: Healing

Right now, healing, hope, and life mix together in my head and heart. They rest firmly within the Gospel message, and find application in our Vincentian charism.

A Dangerous Reading of the Good Samaritan

A recent voter reflects on one of the most dangerous passages of the New Testament. – the parable of the Good Samaritan.


Twenty Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B), September 20, 2015 – Wis 2, 12. 17-20; Jas 3, 16 – 4, 3; Mk 9, 30-37 Those who cultivate peace (Jas 3, 18) Jesus, the just one, takes refuge in God. He will never be put to shame even if condemned to a shameful death. The...

Asking for spare change

Asking for spare change

How should I handle being asked for spare change? The homeless Hub asks “What is the best and most respectful way to handle someone who is asking for spare change? I am often approached by someone asking for spare change while I sit at a red light and I find it...

Frederic Ozanam speaks to us today

History does repeat itself! Frederic Ozanam speaks to us today in this letter written by Blessed Fredric in 1836. It is rich food for thought as we prepare to celebrate his feast September 9. If in the Middle Ages a sick society could be healed only through a huge...

Consumed by love

Twenty Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B), September 13, 2015 – Is 50, 5-9a; Jas 2, 14-18; Mk 8, 27-35 I will demonstrate my faith to you from my works (Jas 2, 18) In Jesus, the Suffering Servant, God’s invisible and pure love becomes visible and exposes itself to the...