
A Canadian View: Systemic Racism

We in Canada must also face reality that we must come to terms with the issue of racism.

A Hometown Success Story

“More than 95% of those who cycle through [Project HOME]… have never again returned to life on the streets— a success rate that has made the program a model for dozens of other U.S. cities.”

Lessons Learned During the Pandemic, #11: A Vincentian PQRST

A Vincentian PQRST will involve: Pandemic, Questions, Reality, Salt, Transform.

Sacramental Speaking and Listening (Ezekiel, 33; Matthew, 18)

A question often on the lips of a believer: where and how is God present in my life?

Enemies within

Twenty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (B), September 6, 2015 – Is 35, 4-7a; Jas 2, 1-5; Mk 7, 31-37 Have you not become judges with evil designs? (Jas 2, 4) Jesus makes the deaf hear and the mute speak, so that they may, with exultation, listen to and proclaim the Good...

Jesus at our Meetings

Jesus at our Meetings

Service in Hope – Hearer & Doer - Footprints - Jesus at our Meetings Vincentian Day of Prayer and Fast – Tuesday September 1, 2015  Wonderful Vincentian Servants:  Here we are into September and most of us are back from holidays and are busy, busy, and busy! ...