
Lessons learned during a Pandemic, #24: Celebrate faith and hope with the poor

This year 2020, twelve years after I composed that song, I have discovered a new meaning of what it means, for a member of the Congregation, to celebrate the feast of Saint Vincent.

A Vincentian View: A Season of Yes

We can recognize the effort and success that people of good will exert to move us beyond the moment and onto the right track.

Each Approach Is Necessary

An image each Vincentian should consider! It is a simple image of people imperiled by a river flooding out of control. Read on to learn how a Franciscan uses that image to explore various approaches to saving people.

Disappointment Due to Our Biases

Jesus is the Christ.  To know him so makes us acknowledge that we are not worthy of him and spares us, too, of all disappointment. Those who come from Jerusalem do not receive John’s baptism; they are there to grill him and judge him.  The priests and the Levites...
Listen more, speak less

Listen more, speak less

"Remember this, my dear brothers: everyone should be quick to listen but slow to speak." (James 1, 19) A group of students of the "San Vicente de Paúl" School of Barbastro, Huesca (Spain), wrote, during the activities organized on the feast day of St. Vincent de Paul,...

A stranger is a friend who I have yet to meet

A stranger is a friend who I have yet to meet

My brothers and sisters of the Saint Vincent de Paul Society, it is with great pleasure that I have this opportunity to address you today on a special theme that we, as a Vincentian Family, hope to promote throughout the year 2017. As you all well know, we are celebrating, as of January 2017, the inspirational birth of the charism of the Vincentian Family.

Obsess about Having Money and Security

Shocking without any doubt

Jesus, the embodiment of God’s shocking forgiveness, provides us with the opportunity to love with abandon. It is shocking to Simon the Pharisee that his guest lets a notorious sinful woman approach him.  He doubts, therefore, that Jesus is a prophet. Simon and the...

Discovering God in Silence

Discovering God in Silence

Discovering God in Silence - God Gives Hope – Roll up Your Sleeves – Vincentian Leader a Servant Vincentian Day of Prayer and Fast – Tuesday, June 7, 2016 Discovering God in Silence - I know I write about this often.  I just believe it is the best place to be for...