
The Big Hearted (Micah 6:6-8; Rev 14:13; Lk 8:4-15)

This homily was preached at a recent anniversary Mass for Fr. Joseph Daly, C.M. — a Vincentian priest beloved of many,

How Christ-like Do You Think You Are?

When St. Paul asks us to “put on the mind of Christ” he has much more in mind than mouthing Jesus’ words.

Obsess about Having Money and Security

Jesus teaches by word and deed that we cannot serve God and money.  Hence, to obsess about making money is to reject his teaching. The man who draws to Jesus seems to obsess about being saved.  For he runs up to him and quickly kneels down.  Of course, he also...


Throughout my life I have sensed — thanks to my parents, family, friends, through the school, the parish — how my name was tattooed in the palm of God's hand. How is this? Because it is not a feeling, but an experience. It is difficult to explain, but very real. I...

The Holiness Quotient

The Holiness Quotient

The Holiness Quotient (Lk 2: 25-40) The initials “EQ.” Different from IQ, meaning Intelligence Quotient which measures mental ability, they stand for Emotional Quotient and refer to the degree to which one person can read the feelings and mood of another -- or more...

Vanity of Vanities, All Is Vanity

Change of Mind, Heart and Behavior

Jesus embodies the change of mind, heart and behavior that the Gospel entails.  The kingdom of God belongs to those who conform to this change and clothe themselves with Jesus. With the arrest of John the Baptist, a painful change enters his life.  But God does not...