
Addressing the Homelessness of College Students

Partnering with St. John’s University in Queens, the Dax Program is designed to assist homeless and housing insecure college students by providing housing, supportive services, and financial assistance for food, transportation, and academic expenses. 

A Vincentian View: The Life Within

Mary knew Joseph.  As we are attentive to her, we learn about the one who stood beside her for much of her life. 

Are We Ministerial “Rip Van Winkles”?

For over twenty years we have been living in the very early stages of a “digital revolution.” We are just now beginning to realize how this digital revolution is impacting every facet of our lives.

Worshipers of the Father in Spirit and Truth

Jesus embodies what to worship the Father in Spirit and truth means.  Hence, we Christians are to be such worshipers. We humans can spoil everything (SV.EN XI:247. 249. 310. 313. 388; SV.EN XII]:92. 131. 139).  We spoil worship of God even, and so become false...
Forgive as our heavenly Father Forgives

Forgive as our heavenly Father Forgives

Jesus calls us to repentance and forgiveness.  And we heed his call in so far as we are ready to forgive our brothers and sisters. The Gospel teaches that we are to avoid those who refuse to listen even to the community.  But the teaching is no reason not to forgive...

Mercy, the Key to God’s Heart

Mercy, the Key to God’s Heart

Feel God’s Touch – Mercy, the Key to God’s Heart -- Silence is Golden Feel God’s Touch – God’s hand is always on us.  Sometimes we don’t see or feel His presence, sometimes we do not see the light at the end of the tunnel or we have tunnel vision.  But never despair. ...

The Poor Are Our Masters

The Poor Are Our Masters

Pope Francis in his encyclical, The Joy of Gospel, when he wrote about the social dimension of Evangelization he mentions the special place of the poor in God’s people, by refereeing to some of the Gospel passages. Salva­tion came to us from the “yes” uttered by a...

A Vincentian View: Creation

A Vincentian View: Creation

A Vincentian View: Creation In the past week, several events have been in the news which come together in my thinking around the theme of creation. The first is the announcement by scientists that they have discovered potentially habitable earth-like planets within a...

Forgive as our heavenly Father Forgives

Name that Is above Every Other Name

Christ is the reason why his followers bear the name of Christians.  They are other Christs, then, anointed to announce repentance and the kingdom of God. Jesus assures those who gather in his name and pray together that they will receive what they ask.  And it will...

Mercy, the Key to God’s Heart

Celebrate the Kingdom

I Am a Sinner – Celebrate the Kingdom – God’s Plan for Us... Such are the topics for Lynn L'Heureux's weekly reflection Dear Vincentian Brothers and Sisters. Pray always for Peace and remember to also pray for your enemy. God will heal their hearts and change their...