
Lenten Examination of Conscience for Vincentians – Week 3

Each Friday of Lent we will share a different guide to help examine your conscience based on different aspects of our lives as members of the Vincentian Family.

Mothers – Lessons Mary Learned and Teaches

What do mothers do all day? They do so much! Often mothers can’t remember all the things they do for the family.

A Vincentian View: The Transfiguration – Listen

For the last years, I do not think that I have meditated on any theme more often that listening.  Most recently, the line that ends the story of the Transfiguration has attracted me. 

A Transforming Surprise – Encounter With Jesus

Jesus’ disciples experienced a transforming surprise. They became aware of being loved. That encounter opened their eyes …  and they ran to tell others about it!

Slaves in the Same Way as Jesus

Slaves in the Same Way as Jesus

Jesus takes the form a slave and becomes like us.  We who seek to follow him are to become lowly slaves in the same way that he is.   For us who try to be and live as Jesus, to be first means to be slaves (Mk 10, 43-45). And today’s gospel teaches the same lesson. ...

Slaves in the Same Way as Jesus

Sweat in Seeking the Other’s Good

Jesus shows us how to love in truth God and our neighbor.  Out of love for them, he has to sweat blood and give himself wholly. To strive and to sweat.  This is what love for God asks of us who are of the Vincentian Family (SV.EN XI:32).  That is to say, it is not...