
Contemplation: Neighbors, Each to Each

Vincentians serve every individual in need without discrimination, recognizing each person as uniquely loved by God. Guided by faith, they follow Christ’s teaching to love and alleviate suffering, regardless of categories such as religion or nationality.

What makes Catholic marriages different?

I wonder how many people in Catholic marriages are aware of National Marriage Week (February 7-14) and World Marriage Day (Sunday, February 9).

A Canadian View: A Place for all to Live 

A climate of understanding, forgiveness, acceptance, and advocacy can make our world a better place for every human being.

Contemplation: At the Margin

Marginalization, caused by poverty, illness, or exclusion, requires not just material aid but also loving presence and friendship to restore hope and community.

Contemplation: A Boundless Reserve

Contemplation: A Boundless Reserve

The rule of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul discourages hoarding money, emphasizing that funds should be used generously for current needs without budgeting for the future, trusting in Providence to provide as needed. More important than financial aid, however, is offering companionship, empathy, and love to those in need, as true charity is not limited by material resources.

Read the Signs of Jesus in Our Midst

Read the Signs of Jesus in Our Midst

Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God.  To believe in him means to know how to read, to grasp, his many signs in our midst.  We read, as we come to the end of today’s gospel, “Jesus did many other signs.”  So then, we can take it that his rising from the dead is one of...

The Two Crosses

The Two Crosses

On the day I became a sister there was an Incorporation Ceremony before friends, family, and a whole host of Daughters of Charity. I wore my full habit for the first time, and during Mass I had placed around my neck a cross marked with SV (for St. Vincent); it is the...