
The Big Hearted (Micah 6:6-8; Rev 14:13; Lk 8:4-15)

This homily was preached at a recent anniversary Mass for Fr. Joseph Daly, C.M. — a Vincentian priest beloved of many,

How Christ-like Do You Think You Are?

When St. Paul asks us to “put on the mind of Christ” he has much more in mind than mouthing Jesus’ words.

Obsess about Having Money and Security

Jesus teaches by word and deed that we cannot serve God and money.  Hence, to obsess about making money is to reject his teaching. The man who draws to Jesus seems to obsess about being saved.  For he runs up to him and quickly kneels down.  Of course, he also...
Vincent Was a Life-Long Learner

Vincent Was a Life-Long Learner

Vincent was a life-long learner.  Vincent didn’t just happen. Vincent spent his lifetime waking up to the demands of the Gospel and the needs of those who were poor. I am reminded of the monk Bede Griffiths, a life-long learner, who said in the 81st year of his life...

Trinitarian Living (John 16: 12-15)

Embrace What God is Doing

Embrace What God is Doing (Rom 5:1-2) To appreciate the revolutionary thrust of Paul’s message, I think of the story of a young man whose inner voice kept repeating, “You’re not good enough.” Responding to this, he felt he had to keep demonstrating that he had...