
Stumbling Along ‘The Way’ (Mark 10:35-45)

Most of us know the image backing the word “scandalize;” i.e., somebody tripping over a stone in the road.

The Rosary As Scrapbook of Mary’s Memories

You all know what a scrapbook is. It is not about throwing away scraps. It is about keeping memories alive.

Edge of the Road Leading to Jerusalem

Jesus is merciful.  For he cares for those who call on him in their needs.  He does not leave them at the edge of the road; he takes them with him. The one who has come to be a sacrifice for all cannot pass over those who are poor.  Those, though, who take seats of...

Vincentian Prayer Images: One of the Great Saints of History III

Evangelization cannot be limited to announcing the word but must be done through deeds.

Advance Notice (Lk. 10:1-2)

Up on Your Feet!

Up on Your Feet! (Ez 2:2   Mark 6:1-6) If you were to paint a picture of the prophet Ezekiel as he first appears in the Bible, you might have him sitting back in a recliner, at peace with himself and confident that the way he saw his world was the way the world truly...

Laborers of the Lord of the Harvest

Responsible to a Higher Authority

Jesus is the shepherd that God has raised up in these last days.  He responds to the needs of those who are like sheep without a shepherd.  Are we that responsible? The rulers of the people are not responsible.  So, they are condemned by the one who has appointed them...