
Outskirts of Large Cities and Towns

Jesus has become poor so that we may be rich by his poverty.  He chooses but the poor on the outskirts to witness to him. The word of God comes to John in the desert, on the outskirts.  That is to say, the son of Elizabeth and Zechariah is the prophet of the Most...

Vincentian Prayer Images: One of the Great Saints of History IX

St. Vincent wrote: “what a beautiful sight are the poor if we consider them in God…”

Should We Imitate a Servant King?

The most effective reporters highlight the impact on the life and concerns of a viewer. Pope Francis seems to instinctively do the same.

A Vincentian View: A Thankful Man

In this year dedicated to St. Joseph, I have written several times on the way in which the Psalms can express the thinking and praying of the Holy Family. 

Enthusiasm to Serve to the Bitter End

Enthusiasm to Serve to the Bitter End

Jesus is the model of determined and enthusiastic service.  His true followers also serve to the end with determination and enthusiasm. One can rebuke Zebedee’s sons for not understanding and for being ambitious.  But we cannot accuse them of unwillingness, indecision...

The Ministry of Encouragement

The Ministry of Encouragement

The Ministry of Encouragement (Hebrews 12:1) There’s a wonderfully comforting image in the Letter to the Hebrews which has special application to us in Vincent’s Family. The author sets out to build up his struggling fellow believers and does this through a...