
“All Are Welcome” … Really?

We are many decades into the phenomenon of shopping for “gated communities” of like-minded people. So many do not experience that they are welcome.

Homelessness – Our Heritage and Challenge

As we approach the feast of St. Vincent de Paul we can draw strength and be challenged by all that St. Vincent did. Many may not believe that one man could do all that Vincent did!

Acceptance — And Ingenuity (Luke 16:1-13)

Scripture Scholars tell us that the meaning behind the word “parable” is curve, as in throwing a curve.

Do You Prefer Courtrooms or Banquet Halls?

If I asked you, I suspect most, without having any further details, would say they would rather be in a banquet setting than a court of law.

Center of Our Whole Being and Our Life

Center of Our Whole Being and Our Life

Jesus is our only gate. And no one should be more in the center of our life than he. The shepherd is the center of attention of the sheep. For he leads them. He leads them out, and then walks ahead of them. So, no wonder that the sheep recognize and heed his voice as...