
Vincent’s Constant Attention to the Presence of God

St. Francis De Sales in his famous book, Introduction to the Devout Life, writes about “constant spiritual attentiveness” as the most assured means of spiritual advancement. In the spiritual life of St. Vincent, especially as given in the book of Louis Abelly, we come...

Could You Be Convicted of “Mercying?”

Over 50 years ago, a university student showed me a card. “If being a Christian were a capital offense, would there be enough evidence to convict you?”

Dear Church

The privilege of being part of the Vincentian Family Justice Representatives also involves a serious responsibility to learn and grow with issues of social justice. 

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and the Lightness of Divine Mercy

For humans, finding a balance between justice and mercy is always difficult. But St. Elizabeth Ann Seton understood that God’s grace transcends earthly limits, and allows mercy to fall lightly from heaven on our hearts and minds.

In Search of Dignity

In Search of Dignity

We as human beings, throughout the world, are faced with a problem that should be causing each of us to search inside ourselves and ask “am I responsible for someone’s loss of dignity?”