
Ladies of Charity Advocacy: DACA Upheld; Need For Comprehensive Immigration Reform

As Ladies of Charity, we support justice for all the poor and marginalized of our world… this is only a temporary fix to the issue of immigration, and a real final solution is needed.

St. Francis Regis Clet, who followed the will of Providence in good times and in bad

“My brothers and sisters, the saints make holiness real for us.” – Fr. Robert Maloney, C.M.

“Bring Good News To the Poor” – Jesus’ Mission Statement

Jesus Mission statement is short. “Bring Good News to the poor.” Six words! They were the most powerful words in his life. What did these words mean to Saints Vincent and Louise? Us?

Laudato Si’

As we recognize this fifth anniversary of Pope Francis’s encyclical letter, Laudato Si’ (On Care for Our Common Good), the Vinfam social justice collaborators have been discussing this topic over the past two monthly calls.