
Reflections on Laudato Si´

A collaborative spirit is evident in Pope Francis’ writing and publication of his encyclical, Laudato si´: on Care for our Common Home. 

Ladies of Charity Advocacy: Election 2020, Climate Justice

The Faith Climate Justice Campaign is focused on engaging and mobilizing faith voters in 2020 to communicate their values of caring for Creation and loving our neighbors through voting.

Advice from Saint Vincent de Paul, in everyday life

Seeking the advice of Saint Vincent in the everyday situations we experience in serving our neighbor.

The Church Is No Expert…

Pope Francis call us to explore together how our Catholic social tradition can help the human family heal this world that suffers from serious illnesses.

Consumed by love

Twenty Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B), September 13, 2015 – Is 50, 5-9a; Jas 2, 14-18; Mk 8, 27-35 I will demonstrate my faith to you from my works (Jas 2, 18) In Jesus, the Suffering Servant, God’s invisible and pure love becomes visible and exposes itself to the...

Family Values – Patrick Griffin, CM

Family Values – Patrick Griffin, CM

Fr. Patrick Grifin reflections on Family Values in his series on "Considering Consecrated Life". Two happenings can capture our attention during this year. We celebrate the “Year for Consecrated Life,” and we look forward to the “World Meeting of Families” which will...