
Vincentian Prayer Images: What Gift Can I Bring?

What gift can I bring to those who have no room in the inn?

International MISEVI Meeting

MISEVI International gathered 40 participants to hear the unique ways countries are accomplishing our mission of guiding, animating, and supporting the missionary presence of the laity.

The Vincentian Christmas Novena

Enjoy this video of The Prophecies from the Vincentian Christmas Novena, sung at St. Vincent De Paul Church in St. Louis, Missouri, along with some of the history of the Novena.

Advent Reflections: Vincentian Family Office (Part Four and Last)

These days we are living are days, hours, months, the years of miracles. They challenge us to look for the hope in the miracles around us:  of birth, of waiting, of death, of the promise of eternal life.

The Cross: All About Giving

The Cross: All About Giving

A Vincentian View “The Cross: All about Giving” In Christian circles, this past Sunday, March 20, is most often called “Palm Sunday” but also “Passion Sunday” since one proclaims the story of Jesus’ suffering and death.  Now, the cross begins to move towards center...

Faith working through love

Faith working through love

Jesus wants us to have a faith that is firm as a rock and immense as the sea. This faith, made alive by love, prompts Mary of Magdala to go to Jesus’ tomb at the first opportunity.  Due to the same faith, this female disciple stays outside the tomb weeping, after...

Vincentians Care

Vincentians Care

Vincentians Care - Vincentians Bring Mercy – Forgiveness is Power - Vincentians Validated by God Vincentian Day of Prayer and Fast – Tuesday, March 22, 2016 Vincentians Care - Identifying the least among us and reaching out to them is a good Lenten exercise.  As...