
The “Before” and the “After” of the Ascension

The question “why are you looking at the sky?” is addressed to us today. Today, we are those dazed apostles looking up rather than within and around ourselves.

Martha Justice Ministry

Martha Justice Ministry is a continuation of how the Marthas live Gospel Hospitality through social justice and creation care.

How Did St. Vincent Help the Homeless of His Day

You may not believe that one man could do all that Vincent did!

Sustainable Development Goals, 9 and 10

Learning about the SDGs and understanding their significance is an important first step as together, creatively, we search for the most effective ways to advocate for these aspects of social justice.

Be a Witness, for Christ’s Sake

Be a Witness, for Christ’s Sake

From America Magazine comes this insightful piece on why and how to be a witness. In a recently aired episode of the radio show "This American Life," writer Jack Hitt tells a story about explaining Christmas to his 4-year-old daughter. One day, when she asked him what...

Seeds of Every Ordinary Moment #IamVincent

Seeds of Every Ordinary Moment #IamVincent

We just celebrated Christmas – God is with us. This is one of my favorite times of the liturgical calendar, because of the invitation to prepare for the coming of Christ into our world and then to live Christ’s presence. This idea of preparing has been especially...

At Any Age #IamVincent

At Any Age #IamVincent

We sometimes have an image of Vincentians as adults, or at least young adults, but people can say #IamVincent at any age. Good news is abundant at the St. Vincent de Paul Young Adult Center in Philadelphia(USA). When you live your faith without this aspect of...

Heavenly Gaze

Heavenly Gaze

A scene setter. You’re out in the cold night fields, keeping close watch over your flock. And suddenly this light is shining at you and all around you. From out of this radiance a voice of an angel sings out news about the infant in swaddling clothes lying in a...