
A Vincentian View: A Thankful Man

In this year dedicated to St. Joseph, I have written several times on the way in which the Psalms can express the thinking and praying of the Holy Family. 

The Poor Will Always Be With You??

Here I reflect on a “prequel” to the very first council, the Council of Jerusalem (Acts 15).  I will also fast-forward to the two-year-long “sequel” taking place right now.

Brim with Jesus’ Justice and Love

Jesus is King David’s just shoot.  He comes to make the earth brim with justice.  How he wishes that we get the name “Lord-Our-Justice.” Monsieur Jean Gicquel, —he means well, though he picks the wrong time—, cannot but brim with zeal to help Monsieur Vincent.  The...

Vincentian Prayer Images: One of the Great Saints of History VIII

St. Vincent wrote: “what a beautiful sight are the poor if we consider them in God…”

A Canadian View: Barriers and Bridges

A Canadian View: Barriers and Bridges

We welcome Vincentian Jim Paddon as our latest contributor to the .famvin English site. He will be writing reflections for us twice a month on Thursday afternoons. You can read a little bit about him after his reflection. Thank you Jim!  There has certainly been...

Need To Tell Your Story Online?

Need To Tell Your Story Online?

Need to tell your story online in a compelling way? Adobe Spark claims to make it easy to do just that. It replaces both Adobe Slate and Adobe Voice, the company's previous creative social apps. Spark consists of a Web app with three main tools—Post, Page, and...

Followers of Jesus, Thinking, Wise

Charity that Is Tender and Inclusive

Jesus gives us an example of tender and inclusive charity.  Our Teacher and Lord wants such charity to be the badge that identifies his disciples. The cure of a leper reveals clearly the charity of Jesus, the love that binds him to those who suffer.  He is moved with...