
The Company of Charity and the Laudato Si Action Platform

We gathered to share how the Charity charism could be a resource for us as we engage in Pope Francis’s seven-year journey to integral integrity expressed in the LSAP.

The Pope Video • Religious Discrimination and Persecution

“The Pope Video” series continues! Watch the latest 2-minute installment: Religious Discrimination and Persecution.

A Vincentian Minute: From Cross to Crown

Fr. Rooney, in an Advent/Christmas series on the mystery of the Incarnation in Vincentian thought and practice, reflects on the spirituality that surrounded St. Vincent.

When Your Whole World Changes

We use the word “apocalyptic” to describe such catastrophic events. But that is not what the word apocalypse meant in biblical terms. Then it meant to reveal something new.

A Vincentian View: Writing Letters

A Vincentian View: Writing Letters

A Vincentian View: “Writing Letters” When I worked for the Congregation and the Company in Europe, I resolved at the very beginning of my tenure to write home once-a-week. I carried out that commitment faithfully. Little danger exists that my letters will be collected...

The Hidden Poor

The Hidden Poor

Becoming homeless ‘not chosen' Homeslessness is not something people choose – sometimes they are simply unlucky and fall on hard times. St Vincent de Paul Society executive and volunteer Herbert Portanier regularly meets people experiencing housing insecurity. “All it...