
Heart Transplants – Physical… and Spiritual

I remember well the stir caused when Christian Barnard in 1967 announced the first successful human heart transplant. Newly ordained, I joined with people around the world rejoicing in this miracle.

Lenten Video Series, Day 32: Chance of a Lifetime

The reward we get for sacrifice and almsgiving is eternal, it’s personal, it’s fulfilling in every way.

A Canadian View: The Indigenous Sharing Circle

Our national social justice committee formed a sub committee titled the Indigenous Sharing Circle. (ISC).

Lenten Video Series, Day 31: This is My Body

An experience watching his brother play a priest martyred during the Mass inspired Deacon Dominic Winter to join the Seminary and truly discover the true sacrifice of Christ during the Mass.

Rejection of Jesus by His Very Own People

Rejection of Jesus by His Very Own People

Jesus is the great prophet that God has raised up from among us.  Rejection of him on our part will leave us not knowing the truth that will free us. Jesus wins approval and admiration at the synagogue in Nazareth. But suddenly, he becomes an object of rejection....