
Politics – Did you know…?

Last week Pennsylvania held primary elections. I take voting seriously! I am also curious. So I decided to ask Google and Alexa what people have said about politics. I found myself on a website that offered a section with literally hundreds of politically-themed...

Vincentian Prayer Images: One of the Great Saints of History XXXIV

One of the reasons for Saint Vincent de Paul to be considered a key figure in the history of the holiness of the Church is his style of living his vocation. Each week we will present an example.

A Vincentian Minute: Vincentian Resurrection and New Life Part 3

Fr. Rooney asks us to remember that Easter is a season of deepening our faith. This week: “The Vincentian Easter Way.”

Saints Vincent and Louise, Daughters of Charity Care For the Mentally Ill

A presentation about the early work of our founders in caring for the mentally ill in 17th century France.

Grow up and Get Ready for the Life to Come

Grow up and Get Ready for the Life to Come

Jesus embodies the way to grow up and get ready for the life to come. Following him, we will get to the place that he readies for us and we will be where he is. Just before going up to heaven, Jesus does for his followers what he has already done for two of them. For...