
Are You Looking Up or Around?

A late 19th-century artist, James Tissot,  graphically posed a question for us. In his depiction of the Ascension, he asks, “Why do you stand looking up into heaven? (Act 1:11)

Contemplation: Under the Cross

This post originally appeared on Amélie Ozanam, Blessed Frédéric’s widow, had a brief invocation, or perhaps a motto, that she often added to notes and letters that she wrote. It was “et sub cruce, Hozanna!”, meaning “and under the cross, Hozanna!” in...

Majesty that Jesus Brings forth

Jesus has gone up to heaven and now sits at the right hand of the Majesty on high as Lord.  He wants us to be as fully human and whole as he is.  On the Lord’s going up to heaven, we read that “to go up” means “to go down.” This matches another text that says Jesus...

St. Louise de Marillac: a committed woman (Part 4 of 5)

Louise de Marillac, awakened by her faith in a God who takes the side of the poor, sees the person in distress and takes action.

Adore the Father in Spirit and Truth

Adore the Father in Spirit and Truth

Jesus shows us how to adore the Father in Spirit and truth. To learn from him, then, means to keep the true religion.  At Sinai, God tells the Israelites that they are not to adore other gods. Yet they later adore a molten calf. And they hail it as Israel’s god that...

Zeal for God’s House

Zeal for God’s House

On the third Sunday of Lent, for the liturgical reading we have the gospel in which we read about Jesus’s action of cleansing the temple of Jerusalem by driving out those who were selling things in the temple by saying, My house shall be a house of prayer; but you...