
Vincentian Prayer Images: “The Colors of Charity” • 17

This series is a visual memory of the art exhibition “The Colors of Charity,” which was on exhibit from 15 December 2017 to 25 February 2018 at the Collegio Alberoni of Piacenza.

A Vincentian Minute: Vincentian Educational Values – Part 1

In this series Fr. Rooney explores the Values of Vincentian Education proposed by Daughter of Charity Sr. Louise Sullivan.

Whose Plan is it Anyway?

Children often ask me if me if I was born a ‘nun.’ I guess of all my sisters and brothers, I was perhaps the least likely candidate for that as we are growing up!

Crucible That Tests Our Hearts

Jesus is the only one that his disciples need to know and speak of.  From the cross, he proclaims that those who are his go through the crucible.  They thus get to be just like him. “The crucible is for silver, and the furnace is for gold, but the one that tests...
Touch and Lift Up Those Who Are Afraid

Touch and Lift Up Those Who Are Afraid

Jesus is close to those who are afraid. So, he can readily touch them to set them free from all their fears and worries. Jesus takes with him Peter, James and John to go to a high mountain by themselves. And it is not that their works touch or move him to choose them....