
“Homelessness is a silent war on children”

What is the average age of homeless persons in America? Over 50 Between 30 and 49 Between 15 and 29 Below 15 I really wonder how many would have guessed age 11, much less that it is a well-researched fact. (as of January 2022). More info at this link Cynthia Griffith...

Journey Through Lent With Saints Vincent and Louise (March 23)

St. Vincent and St. Louise speak to us in a brief quote for each day of Lent.

Lent 2023: Our Lady of Lezajsk, With Father Gregory J. Semeniuk, CM

A video about the apparition of Our Lady of Lezajsk and a reflection on how we can embrace the Blessed Mother’s example during Lent.

Never Alone (John 11:1-45)

One of the heaviest of feelings is the one of being alone. You hear it in the cry of an infant, and more generally you catch it in the forlorn look of any lonely person.

Commandments that Make Love Known

Commandments that Make Love Known

Jesus embodies love.  And he sees to it that we catch this love.  Hence, he gives us commandments that will lead us to love as he loves. Jesus loves his own who are in the world not in theory but in practice.  And he does so before he teaches them his commandments; he...