
A Vincentian Minute: The Fire

Fr. Rooney begins a short series in the wake of the celebration of Pentecost.

Remember Saying, “Are We There Yet”?

Even those of us in advanced age remember the excitement and impatience. Four words – “Are we there yet” – captured our anticipation, excitement, and impatience.

God’s Presence In Our Encounters With Others

Creating encounters in charity with others brings us closer to God.

A Canadian View: A Spiritual Evolution

When us older (and hopefully wiser) Vincentians look back on what this world has achieved in our lifetimes it is truly amazing.

Brim with Jesus’ Justice and Love

Brim with Jesus’ Justice and Love

Jesus is King David’s just shoot.  He comes to make the earth brim with justice.  How he wishes that we get the name “Lord-Our-Justice.” Monsieur Jean Gicquel, —he means well, though he picks the wrong time—, cannot but brim with zeal to help Monsieur Vincent.  The...