Daughters of Charity

Sister Mónica de Juan, a Spanish Daughter of Charity, Receives a Medal of Civil Merit

King Felipe VI is celebrating five years since he was named Spanish monarch. And this Wednesday, June 19, he wanted to celebrate it by awarding the Medal of Civil Merit to anonymous people who are building a better Spain. One of those people is Sister Mónica, a...

Blessed Daughters of Charity, Martyrs of Arras, and Bl. Marguerite Rutan, D.C.

June 26 is the feast day of five Daughters of Charity who were guillotined by the French revolutionary government.

The Silent Work of the Daughters of Charity in Haiti

Haiti is a place where poverty abounds and where the Sisters receive the eternal gratitude of people who love them.

Daughters of Charity in El Paso: Carrying On The Missionary Spirit

On February 3, 1892, four Daughters of Charity stepped off the train in El Paso, Texas, USA. Within a day the Sisters had laid the foundations for Hotel Dieu hospital, an institution that would welcome thousands of El Pasoans into the world, provide critical care for...