Daughters of Charity

The Gaza Conflict and the Commitment of the Daughters of Charity

The Gaza conflict remains one of the most complex and enduring crises in modern history. Amid the chaos, the Daughters of Charity have demonstrated unwavering dedication to humanitarian relief, exemplifying compassion and resilience in the face of adversity.

Heroic Love in Action: The Life of Sister Teresa Tambelli (Podcast)

Sister Teresa Tambelli DC, born Maria Olga Tambelli, devoted her life to serving the poor and abandoned children of Cagliari, embodying a Christian life of heroic love and charity. Despite the challenges of war and poverty, she tirelessly cared for the most vulnerable, leaving a lasting impact on the city and its people.

Following Christ boldly and creatively (Video)

Video based on a letter of Superioress General Sr. Françoise Petit, DC, February 2, 2025.

Sr. Justine Bisqueyburu, D.C. and the Green Scapular

On January 28, 1840, the Blessed Virgin appeared to Sister Justine Bisqueyburu, of the Daughters of Charity in Paris. This began a series of visits which culminated in a special gift of Mary: The Green Scapular. This is described in the presentation below. [slideshare...