Daughters of Charity

‘A True Saint’: Sister Hilda Alonso, Pioneer of the Daughters of Charity in Miami, Dies at 101

Sister Hilda Alonso, a Cuban nun who founded the Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul in Miami, dedicated to the care of the poor, and was principal of the Catholic school Colegio La Inmaculada in Havana, died July 5 in Miami. She was 101.

“It is in everyday life that we discern our call,” says Sister Maria Rita

We spoke with Sister Maria Rita, who has recently been sent on her first mission, in Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil).

Tireless work of the Vincentian Family and donation from French benefactors helped families affected by the rains in the mountain region of Rio

Gradually, life goes back to normal. After three months of the rains that devastated the mountain region of Petrópolis, students have already returned to class and a great network was formed to help their families and school employees to recover from the damage they suffered.

Let’s Establish Relationships: Youth in the City of Como (Italy) Encounter Marginality

“Legami” [Italian for “Ties”] is a group on the move in the city of Como (Italy) which was organized to create opportunities for encounter and dialogue between people living on the peripheries and young men and women.

A Roof for Tomorrow

A Roof for Tomorrow

In Pacoti, in the north-east of Brazil (the state of Ceará), the Daughters of Charity run the Maria Imaculada Institute where 380 children from very low-income families are taken in.

Seton Center Ribbon Cutting

Seton Center Ribbon Cutting

On Tuesday, July 10, Seton Center, Inc., in collaboration with Morgan-Keller Construction and the Frederick County Chamber of Commerce, hosted a Ribbon Cutting and Dedication Ceremony to celebrate the successful construction of and move into their new building at 226...