VinFormation offers resources that celebrate Vincentian mothers spanning 3 centuries
John Freund, CM
“Social Justice in a Life of Charity”
"Social Justice in a Life of Charity” was the theme of the 2014 annual gathering of the Company of Charity Formation Personnel (CCFP) held April 23-26 at the motherhouse of the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati, OH. Eighteen Vocation directors and formation personnel...
Martha and Mary: Contemplation and Action
Martha and Mary: Contemplation and Action REFLECTION FOR MAY Introduction: As Vincent took his initial steps in ministry he was accompanied by women and that reality reminds us of the many women who accompanied Jesus from the time of his initial preaching in...
The end of an era in Nashville
The Daughters of Charity were honored with a farewell mass that celebrated their 100+ years of service for the sick and the poor of Middle Tennessee. See the full story at St. Thomas Health For background see "Daughters move on to meet new needs"
No To An Economy Of Exclusion
No To An Economy Of Exclusion - A visual meditation on Pope Francis and Joy of the Gospel. As we stand in the middle of the Easter season between Palm Sunday and Pentecost, are we allowing ourselves to be changed by the miraculous events of the risen Jesus? Are not...
Mother’s Day, World Vocation Day, Vincentian Family
How do these three go together? It is not really hard to put these three things together. What might not be so obvious is how the Vincentian Family fosters vocations the year round. (Pope Francis Message for World Day of Prayer for Vocations) How does the Vincentian...
Sisters of Charity commission their first responders
Sister Luke reports, On Sunday, May 4, nine members of our Disaster Response Ministry were commissioned and blessed during the 10:30 a.m liturgy at Nazareth as they respond to the disaster in the Little Rock, Arkansas area. Please keep them in prayer. Patrick...
Turn virtual encounters into real ones
The Australian catholic website XT3 has a suggestion that could apply to all of us… Ahead of this year's World Communications Day (25 May in Australia & 1 June around the world), Xt3 has teamed up with Catholic Talk and we are inviting you take up Pope Francis'...
E-voc – Is your heart willing or willful?
This is the question in the lead article of the llatest issue of E-Voc, the electronic newsletter from the Vocation Team of the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati for single women wondering what new thing God is calling forth in their lives. May 2014_evoc (PDF) In...
“Sell your desk!” – Francis, the Vincentian
Pope Francis told the Archbishop in charge of the Vatican’s charity, “Don’t wait for people to come ringing. You need to go out and look for the poor.'”