John Freund, CM


John Freund is a Vincentian priest with a passion for promoting collaboration among the many people inspired by Saints Vincent de Paul and Louise de Marillac and who welcomes your engagement. Share your ideas and experiences!
D-Day plus 70!

D-Day plus 70!

On this anniversary of D- Day... What have we learned? What can we do? It was supposed to be “The War to end all wars” (Woodrow Wilson), John XXIII wrote and Encyclical ""Peace on Earth". "War, Never again war” (Paul VI), John Paul II wrote over 20 messages during his...

Looking for Vincentian Quotes?

Looking for Vincentian Quotes?

This week's Formation Friday segment draws attention to two sources for Vincentian quotes found among the treasures of VinFormation. The first is a collection of texts compiled by Sr. Betty Ann McNeil, DC. They are listed by subject in alphabetical order. (See graphic...

“Ever-Evolving Charism of Charity”

“Ever-Evolving Charism of Charity”

Leaders of North American congregations in the Sisters of Charity Federation will gather at Mount St. Joseph (OH) this week for their annual meeting, according to a post on the Catholic Beat. Sixty-three women from North America and guests from South Korea will meet...