John Freund, CM


John Freund is a Vincentian priest with a passion for promoting collaboration among the many people inspired by Saints Vincent de Paul and Louise de Marillac and who welcomes your engagement. Share your ideas and experiences!
Vincentian Discernment and Decision making

Vincentian Discernment and Decision making

“Ours is a world where we are saturated with information which we are expected to absorb and respond to, often instantly. Not only must we respond, but the expectation is that we will make decisions with wisdom, with justice, with compassion and with a whole array of other values. Where can we find guidance or a degree of certainty in making decisions? How do we know what God is asking of us?

Pope minces no words

Pope minces no words

Francis minces no words in Korea whether in prepared texts of off the cuff comments... To  religious communities he said ... “The hypocrisy of those consecrated men and women who profess vows of poverty, yet live like the rich, wounds the souls of the faithful and...

New leadership for LCWR

New leadership for LCWR - The nation’s largest group of religious sisters welcomed a new leader and said goodbye to another Friday. The NCR writes the following....The Leadership Conference of Women Religious held its transfer of leadership Friday afternoon,...