Vincentian Family

A Vincentian View: Patrimony of the Poor

Two readings that regularly show up towards the end of the liturgical year capture my imagination.

A Vincentian View: Healing

Right now, healing, hope, and life mix together in my head and heart. They rest firmly within the Gospel message, and find application in our Vincentian charism.

Seeing Our Own Poverty, Clothing Ourselves in the Spirit of Jesus Christ

Let us commit to clothing ourselves in an attitude that will help us to “turn the medal over”.

A Vincentian View: The Christ of Vincent de Paul

The pleasure of reading Vincentian authors on the meaning of Christ for Vincent, of looking at Vincent’s own writings and preaching, and of studying the events of his life has tendered me a blessing

Happy Birthday to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (April 23, 1833)

Happy Birthday to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (April 23, 1833)

Happy Birthday to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (April 23, 1833) For resources related to the Society, visit VinFormation’s collection “Resources tagged: Society of St. Vincent de Paul”. The collection includes video, presentations, prayers, and more. Today is also Frederic Ozanam’s birthday. He was 20 years old when he helped found the Society. For resources related to Frederic Ozanam, visit “Resources tagged: Bl. Frederic Ozanam”.