Vincentian Family

Happy Feast Day from the Vincentian Family in Belize

Greetings from Belize! Featuring the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, Sisters of Charity of Halifax, SSVP, AMM, JMV, and Daughters of Charity.

A Vincentian View: Joseph and Psalm 127 – Building and Sleeping

The idea of building a house attracts me when I think of Joseph.

A Vincentian View: Filled with Compassion

One can hardly imagine that Jesus could use the term “father” without some reflection on the one who had been his earthly father for most of his life, Joseph.

A Vincentian View: A Simple Man

I would love to have people describe me as “a simple man.”

A Vincentian View: All Are Welcome

A Vincentian View: Listen

A Vincentian View: “Listen” When we look at our current political climate, everyone knows that there is something amiss.  Sometimes people describe it as a lack of civil discourse. I believe that. The reasoning given is that people have forgotten how to speak to one...

A Vincentian View: All Are Welcome

A Vincentian View: Speaking the Truth

A Vincentian View: “Speaking the Truth” In recent history in the United States, people have been more challenged to come to grips with the truth. In the political as well as ecclesial spheres, the need to decide who to believe and how much to believe has arisen...

A Vincentian View: All Are Welcome

A Vincentian View: Writing Letters

A Vincentian View: “Writing Letters” When I worked for the Congregation and the Company in Europe, I resolved at the very beginning of my tenure to write home once-a-week. I carried out that commitment faithfully. Little danger exists that my letters will be collected...