Pope Francis

Reflections on Laudato Si´

A collaborative spirit is evident in Pope Francis’ writing and publication of his encyclical, Laudato si´: on Care for our Common Home. 

The Church Is No Expert…

Pope Francis call us to explore together how our Catholic social tradition can help the human family heal this world that suffers from serious illnesses.

New Series: The Vincentian Family & Laudato Si’

When we read Laudato Si’ as Vincentians, there exists an opportunity to explore this letter from a viewpoint that many may not be aware of or fully appreciate.

EMMY Blesses Good News!

“God is with us. This is the message of hope that we want to shout from the rooftops, that we want to beam over the airwaves, that we want to put on the front page of our publications and post on our social media accounts.”

Can You Say No to Pope Francis on September 1?

A Mischievous Pope

Last Wednesday, July 13, Pope Francis did one of those amazing acts that we are getting used to. The media said that, after attending a routine visit to the dentist, he asked the driver of his Ford Focus, instead of returning directly to his offices, to deviate a...

Do Vincentians have the smell of sheep?

Do Vincentians have the smell of sheep?

Few visitors to the Internet have not read about Pope Francis telling priests to “be shepherds with the smell of sheep." “The priest who seldom goes out of himself … misses out on the best of our people, on what can stir the depths of his priestly heart. … This is...

Vincentian Families: #IamVincent

Vincentian Families: #IamVincent

Vincentian Families need to take note of Pope Francis' Amoris Laetitia from a particular point of view. One of the founding members of the works of the Center for FaithJustice and it's "worX" programs, Mike Laskey continues to reflect his Holy Cross and Vincentian...

The Tweetable Pope

The Tweetable Pope

Tweetable. It means that the things you say can capture the imagination in 140 characters or less! Certainly, Pope Francis qualifies. MillenialJournal, which characterizes itself as "young Catholics -- ancient faith -- new century," has published an interview with...